Sunday, December 29, 2019
Organizational Culture And The Passive Resistance - 986 Words
Price WaterhouseCoopers was challenged with the need to be more flexible in an effort to become better organized to deliver new values that could distinguish them from its competitors. Much of the challenge involved the organizational culture and the passive resistance from some of the executives. A strategy needed to be implemented in an effort to make a difference in PwC and to ensure sustainability and increase corporate social responsibility. They recognized the importance of having the community share the same values and vision of the organization. In line with Satterlee (2013), vision is best accepted and promoted by leaders who can help followers understand why they need to do what they need to do, using an effective leadership style. Leaders have to be able to motivate, inspire, and exhibit genuine concern for their employees and the community in order to build trust in an effort to reach the envisioned goals and to exercise the values. Furthermore, vision casting is not only what leaders see for the future; but how invested followers are in that vision. This type of vision pushes organizations toward goals, and often involves innovation and change (Satterlee, 2013, p. 103). According to Jick and Peiperl (2011), James Shaw, Amy Middleburg, and Fabio Sgaragli were known are the ââ¬Å"Fire Startersâ⬠which shared the same vision of reaching the sustainability goal of the organization. Each of them had distinct strengths which were critical assets that lead to theShow MoreRelatedRoles of Managers and Individuals1274 Words à |à 6 Pagesperforming their duties. Change can come in the form of a systems, procedures, policies, or structures. The important focus in organizational change is in the behaviors and results-based production of its employees. Value is delivered to the organization when individual employees take ownership and initiative to engage themselves in the change process. The organizational roles involved in the change process, from exe cutive level managers to front-line supervisors, all have a stake in the directionRead MoreQuestions On Managing Organizational Change890 Words à |à 4 PagesHow to Survive Organizational Changes in the Fast-Changing World As we have learned all quarter, managing the changing organizational environment is one of the most salient challenges in todayââ¬â¢s business world. Managing organizational change properly can minimize resistance from employees and cost of and maximize the effectiveness of the changes. In other words, managing organizational change addresses the human side of the changing management. Personally, I think organizational changes are a greatRead MoreForces That Drive Change Within An Organization1423 Words à |à 6 PagesSolutions. First considered are the factors which influence successfully implement change and models to manage organizational change. Considering the communications needed to implement change follows and sources of resistance to change. Next examined are strategies to manage resistance and resistance to change in the Synergetic Solutions context. Finally, presented are strategies to manage resistance. Change Forces The textbook, Exhibit 18-1 (Robbins Judge, 2011, p. 591), lists some forces for changeRead MoreAnalysis Of Al Tech Manufacturing Company1331 Words à |à 6 Pagesreengineer the nature of the organization according to Ian Palmer, Richard Dunford, and Gib Akin second edition managing organizational change text book chapter four (Ian Palmer, 2009). Al-Tech merged with a rivaling company, Border Manufacturing, in order to maximize profit and reduce overhead expenses (Ian Palmer, 2009). Apple expirenced this form of second-order organizational change when the board of directors over Apple fired the CEO Steve Jobs (, 2005). The company soon after beganRead MoreThe Change And Its Effects On The Politics Of The Company1412 Words à |à 6 Pagesallegedly had from coworkers. Philââ¬â¢s fear of the unknown is pushing him to damage the way the current management is perceived and choose to disrupt the current flow of the new culture by circulating what appears to be more of a string of unfounded assumptions rather than facts. While Phil believes that the new organizational change will conflict with his power and self-interest of being in the know, he is putting management in a difficult position of confirming and denying the rumors he is spreadingRead MoreWengart Aircraft1425 Words à |à 6 PagesQuestion 2: Driving and restraining forces toward acceptance of the TQM program at the line management level 8. Job loses The line managers could be of the opinion that the top management is in the process of down sizing, hence the resistance. 9. No Clear directive There is no one from the top management who is well versed with this TQM, and the top management wants this to be implemented, there is no visibility of sponsorship to this initiative, in actual fact there isRead MoreRoles Of Manager And Individuals993 Words à |à 4 Pagesvalue. Management at the executive level to the supervisors on the front line will all play a role in the process of change. The following will examine the roles of managers, change agents that are used, as well as the managementââ¬â¢s role in combating resistance, and championing change. Roles of Managers ââ¬Å"The ultimate goal of change management is to engage employees and encourage their adoption of a new way of doing their jobs.â⬠(Change Management Learning Center, 2014). There are several key managementRead MoreRole of Communication in Change Management1704 Words à |à 7 Pagessignificant changes are implemented in an orderly, controlled and systematic fashion to effect organizational change. Objective of change management is to maximize the collective benefits for all people involved in the change and minimize the risk of failure of implementing the change One of the goals of change management is with regards to the human aspects of overcoming resistance to change in order for organizational members to buy into change and achieve the organization s goal of an orderly and effectiveRead MoreEssay on Impact of Mergers and Acquisition on Employees Behaviour1939 Words à |à 8 Pagesmanagement of people-related issues leads to value creation. To make HRM (Human resource Ma nagement) as an effective strategic partner there is a need to involve them in negotiation period and formulation of people management polices to overcome their resistance towards of MA (Tanure, 2007).The changes in the general procedures and practices followed by the acquired companies and also due to the growing competition between the employees of the merged parties, Human resources management is problematic withinRead MoreWho Owns the Power to Control Communication1760 Words à |à 8 Pagesheld by the producers of messages whereas other theorists argue that the power to control interpretations of texts are held by the consumers of culture operating within specific cultural contexts. Which of these positions is true? Why? It can be agreed to a large extent that the power to control interpretations of texts are held by the consumers of culture operating within specific cultural contexts. However, this is not to refute completely that producers of messages hold some power to control communication
Saturday, December 21, 2019
Common Psychological Disorders And How They Affect A...
The Mental Illness Erva Arslan American Youth Academy Mr. Gonzalez / English 10/12/15 Abstract In this essay I will be discussing five of the most common psychological disorders and how they affect a persons daily life, behavior, weight, personality and etc. The five disorders I will be mentioning are: Alzheimer, OCD/panic/anxiety, Anorexia, Autism, and depression. According to studies there can be 3 million or more people are diagnosed with one of these disorders each year. These disorders lead to cases like memory loss, extreme dieting, self-harm, unwanted thoughts, bad communication and much more. All of these affect a humanââ¬â¢s life immensely. Some can lead to obesity or extreme weight loss. Some of these disorders likeâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦The disorders I will be addressing are: Anxiety, Alzheimer, Anorexia, Autism, and depression. Each of these disorders can take over ones life poorly. They can cause a social decline and will affect the people surrounding you. The first disorder I will be discussing is anxiety. Anxiety is very common amongst all people including myself. Itââ¬â¢s a state of feeling nervous, worried, fear and agitation. You may get it a night before your talent show or before an exam. Anxiety can interfere with a humans way of living a normal life. 25 percent of people are likely to arouse anxiety disorder that may need urgent treatment, while at other times anxiety may not be too serious. There are different levels and types of anxiety disorders such as: panic attacks, specific phobia and etc. Panic attacks are when people have random strikes of terror without being warned. Some symptoms may be chest pain or sweating; This may lead to going crazy. Social Phobia is also a type of anxiety. Its when you feel shy and self conscious near others. How does this affect you socially? Well, you feel like everyone will judge you and so you behave in a way that may look embarrassing and ridiculous. Memory loss is known as Alzheimer, which is the most common reason of dementia. Over three million people are diagnosed with this disorder. Alzheimer is when cells die and degenerate, which causes the destroying of mental functions. The amount
Friday, December 13, 2019
Representation of Gays in Hollywood Free Essays
During the production code, there were very few representations of gay and lesbians on screen. The only few representations were filled with stereotypes and lacked variety. People will call each other when they see another gay person on TV. We will write a custom essay sample on Representation of Gays in Hollywood or any similar topic only for you Order Now The story lines in movies featuring gays and lesbians were controlled and restricted. The whole story was not often told in gay movies. Even after the code was lifted, Hollywood still struggled with their portrayal of gays, the ââ¬Å"proud sissiesâ⬠and the ââ¬Å"regular gaysâ⬠who were not as flamboyant. In todayââ¬â¢s movies, those issues are still prevalent. Gay scenes are laced with comedy and as a form of punishment. There are not enough genuine, authentic gay love stories anymore. The notion of visibility at any cause still exists today, maybe not as difficult as it was in the 30ââ¬â¢s. I am starting to believe that films do not creates stereotypes but rather the people behind these films. Directors, producers and even actors creates and perpetuate the stereotypes and feeds them to the audience. Simply changing the films alone will not be enough to solve gay stereotypes in Hollywood. The change should start with the people making the films. Perhaps we need more gay directors or less stereotyping straight directors or better yet directors with open minds. Fleming disagrees with Russoââ¬â¢s views on gay visibility in Hollywood. She is not as optimistic as Russo. Flemingââ¬â¢s point about the lack of lesbian perspective in Hollywood films was very interesting. But what stood out the most was the point she made about the dilemma of gays in Hollywood. If they become more visible, they open themselves up for ridicule but if they remain invisible then they are allow Hollywood to keep portraying them stereotypically. Overall, Fleming believes that there should be more range and diversity in gay story lines and I How to cite Representation of Gays in Hollywood, Essay examples
Thursday, December 5, 2019
Our affections are transported beyond our selves Essay Example For Students
Our affections are transported beyond our selves Essay HOSE which still accuse men for ever gaping after future things, and go about to teach us, to take hold of present fortunes, and settle our selves upon them, as having no hold of that which is to come; yea much lesse than we have of that which is already past, touch and are ever harping upon the commonest huma ne error, if they dare call that an error, to which Nature her selfe, for the service of the continuation of her worke, doth address us, imprinting as it doth many others this false imagination in us, as more jealous of our actions, than of our knowledg e. We are never in our selves, but beyond. Feare, desire, and hope, draw us ever towards that which is to come, and remove our sense and consideration from that which is, to amuse us on that which shall be, yea when we shall be no more. Calamitosus est animus futuri anxius. 1 A minde in suspense what is to come, is in a pittifull case. This noble precept is often alleaged in Plato, Follow thy businesse and know thy selfe; Each of these two members, doth generally imply all our duty; and likewise enfolds his companion. He that should doe his businesse might perceive that his first lesson is, to know what he is, and what is convenient for him. And he that knoweth himselfe, takes no more anothers matters for his owne, but above all other things, loveth and correcteth himselfe, rejecteth superfluous occupations, idle imaginations, and unprofitable propositions. As if you grant follie what it desireth, it will no-whit be satisfied; so is wisdome content with that which is present, and never displeased with it selfe. Epicurus doth dispense with his age touching the foresight and care of what shall insue. Amongst the lawes that regard the deceased, that which ties the actions of Princes to be examined when they are dea d, seemes to me verie solid. They are companions, if not masters of the lawes: That which justice could not worke on their heads, it is reason it effect upon their reputation, and goods of their successors: things wee many times preferre before our liv es. It is a custome brings many singular commodities unto nations that observe it, and to be desired of all good Princes: who have cause to complaine that the memorie of the wicked is used as theirs. Wee owe a like obedience and subjection to all Kings; for it respects their office: but estimation and affection, we owe it only to their vertue. If they be unworthy, wee are to endure them patiently, to conceale their vices, and to aid their indifferent actions with our commendations, as long as their a uthoritie hath need of our assistance, and that ought to be ascribed unto politike order. But our commerce with them being ended, there is no reason we should refuse the unfolding of our felt wrongs unto justice and our libertie. And specially to refuse good subjects, the glory to have reverently and faithfully served a master, whose imperfections were so well knowne unto them: exempting posteritie from so profitable an example. And such as for the respect of some private benefit or interest, doe wick edly embrace the memorie of an unworthy Prince, doe particular justice at the cbarge of publike justice. Titus Livius speaketh truly, where he saith, that the speech of men brought up under a royaltie is ever full of vaine ostentations, and false witness ; everyman indiferently extolling the King, to the furthest straine of valour and soveraigne greatnesse. The magnanimitie of those two Souldiers may be reproved, one of which being demanded of Nero, why he hated him, answered him to his teeth; I loved thee whilest thou wast worthy of love, but since thou becamest a parricide, a fire-brand, a Juglar, a Player, and a Coach-man, I hate thee, as thou deservest. The other being asked, wherefore he sought to kill him, answered, Because I finde no other course to hinder thy uncessant outrages and impious deeds. But can any man, that hath his senses about him, justly prove the publike and generall testimonies that since his death have beene given, and so shall be for ever, both against him and all such like reprobates, of his tyrannicall and wicked demeanours? I am sorrie that in so sacred a policie as the Lacedemonian was, so fained and fond a ceremonie at the death of their Kings was ever devised and brought in use. All their confederates and n eighbours, all the slave-Helotes, men and women pell-mell, for a testimonie of their grief and sorrow, did mangle and gash their foreheads, and in their out-cries and lamentations exclaimed, that their deceased King, howsoever he had lived, was and had be ene the best Prince that ever they had, ascribing in order the commendations due unto desert, and to the last and latter ranke, what belongs unto the first merit. Aristotle that hath an oare in every water, and medleth with all things, makes a question a bout Solons speech, who saith, that no man can truly be counted happy before his death, Whether he that lived and died according to his wish, may be named happy, whether his renowne be good or ill, and whether his posteritie be miserable or no. Whilest w ee stirre and remove, wee transport ourselves by preoccupation wheresoever we list: but no sooner are wee out of being, but wee have no conununication at all with that which is. And it were better to tell Solon, that never man is happy then, since he n ever is so, but when he is no more. - Quisquam Vix radicitus e vita se tollit, et ejicit: Se facit esse qui quiddam super inscius ipse, Nee removet satis a projecto corpora sese, et Vindicat. Lucr. Rer. Nat. iii. 912. Scarce any rids himselfe of life so cleere But leaves unwitting some part of him heere: Nor frees or quits himselfe sufficiently From that his body which forlorne doth lie. Bertran d of Glesquin died at the siege of the castle of Rancon, neere unto Puy in Avergne: the besieged yeelding afterwards, were forced to carry the keies of the Castle, upon the decease of the Captaine. Presidents Under Fire EssayThis other curiositie meere opposite unto it which to prove I need not labour for home examples seemeth in my opinion cosen-german to this, that is, when one is ever ready to breathe his last, carefully and passionately to endevour how to reduce the convoy of his obsequies unto some particular and unwonted parcimonie, to one serva nt and to one lanterne. I heare the humour and appointment of Marcus ÃÆ'â⬠milius Lepidus commended, who expressly forbade his heires to use those ceremonies about his interment, which in such cases were formerly accustomed. Is it temperance and frugalitie, to avoid charge and voluptuousnesse, the use and knowledge of which is imperceptable unto us? Loe here an easie reformation, and of small cost. Were it requisite to appoint any, I would be of opinion, that as well in that, as in all other actions of mans life, every man should referre the rule of it to the qualitie of his fortune. And the Philosopher Lycon did wisely appoint his friends to place his body where they should thinke it fittest and for the best: and for his obsequies, they should neither be superfluous, and over-costly, nor base and sparing. For my part, I would wholly relie on custome, which should dispose this ceremonie, and would yeeld my selfe to the discretion of the first or next into whose hands I might chance to fall. To tus hic locus est contemnendus in nobis, non negligendus in nostris: All this matter should be despised of us, but not neglected of ours. And religiously said a holy man; Curatio funeris, cond itio sepulturae, pompa exequiarum, magis sunt tivorum solatia, quam subsidia mortuorum: In the procuration of funerals, the maner of buriall, the pomp of obsequies, are rather comforts to the living , than helps to the dead. Therefore Socrates answered Criton, who at the houre of his death asked him how he would be buried: Even as you please, said he. Were I to meddle further with this subject, I would deeme it more gallant to imitate those who yet living and breathing, undertake to enjo y the order and honour of their sepulchres, and that please themselves to behold their dead countenance in marble. Happy they that can rejoyce and gratifle their sense with insensibilitie, and live by their death! A little thing would make me conceive a n inexpiable hatred against all popular domination; although it seeme most naturall and just unto me; when I call to minde that inhumane injustice of the Athenians, who without further triall or remission, yea without suffering them so much as to reply o r answer for themselves, condemned those noble and worthy Captaines, that returned victoriously from the sea-battell, which they neere the Iles ArginusÃÆ'à ¦ had gained of the Macedenonians; the most contested, bloodie and greatest fight the Grecians e ver obtained by sea with their owne forces: forsomuch as after the victory, they had rather followed those occasions, which the law of warre presented unto them, for their availe, than to their prejudice staid to gather and bury their dead men. And the successe of Diomedon makes their ruthlesse execution more hatefull, who being a man of notable and exemplar vertue, both military and politike, and of them so cruelly condemned; after he had heard the bloody sentence, advancing himselfe forward to speake , having fit opportunitie and plausible audience; he, I say, in stead of excusing himselfe, or endevouring to justifie his cause, or to exasperate the evident iniquity of so cruell a doome, expressed but a care of the Judges preservation, earnestly beseeching the Gods to turne that judgement to their good, praying that for want of not satisfying the vowes which hee and his companions had vowed in acknowledgement and thanksgiving for so famous a victory, and honourable fortune, they might no t draw the wrath and revenge of the Gods upon them, declaring what their vowes were. And without more words, or any further reasons, couragiously addressed himselfe to his execution. But fortune some yeares after punished him alike, and ma de him taste o f the verie same sauce. For Chabrias, Captaine Generall of their sea-fleet, having afterward obtained a famous victory of Pollis, Admirall of Sparta, in the Ile of Naxos, lost absolutely the benefit of it, and onely contented with the day a matter of g reat consequence for their affaires fearing to incurre the mischiefe of this example, and to save a few dead carcasses of his friends, that floated up and downe the sea, gave leasure to an infinite number of his living enemies, whom he might easily haves urprized to sail away in safety, who afterward made them to purchase their importunate superstition, at a deere-deere rate. Quaeris, quo jaceas, post obitum, loco Quo non nata jacent. Sen. Tro as. chor. ii. 30. Where shall y ou lie when you are dead? Where they lye that were never bred. This other restores the sense of rest unto a body without a soule, Neque sepulchrum, quo recipiat, habeat portum corporis. Vbi remi ssa humana vita, corpus requiescat a malis? Cic. Tusc. Qu. i. Enni. To turne in as a havn, have he no grave, Where life left, from all griefe he rest may have. Even as Nature makes us to see, that many dead things have yet c ertaine secret relations unto life. Wine doth alter and change in sellers, according to the changes and alterations of the seasons of its vineyard. And the flesh of wilde beasts and venison doth change qualitie and taste in the powdering-tubs, according to the nature of living flesh, as some say that have observed it.
Thursday, November 28, 2019
Attic White Ground Lekythos free essay sample
The lekythos shown on the title page was found in the University of Pennsylvaniaââ¬â¢s Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology. It is titled ââ¬Å"Attic White Ground Lekythosâ⬠ca. 460 BC and was painted by the ââ¬Å"Achilles Painter. â⬠Its dimensions are H. 0. 385 m. , D. 0. 12 m. It was possibly found in Athens, and is from the Attica region and is labeled as early classical. The image shown on the lekythos is of two women, one a maid and one a mistress. The mistress is seated on the right side, in a chair, weaving a wreath. Her head is shown in profile, bent looking at the object in her hands. She is wearing a chiton, a type of sleeveless dress with a rounded neck, and on top of this the customary, heavier himation. Painted in white are her skin and the himation. The white is very cracked however it is still very visible. Her hair was painted in a dark brown. We will write a custom essay sample on Attic White Ground Lekythos or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Some scholars have argued that she is also wearing a wreath, like the one she is weaving, on her head. Her figure is outlined in thin black paint, which is not completely visible on her entire body. She is seated in a chair that is painted dark brown. The other woman on the lekythos is standing on the left side facing her mistress. The maidââ¬â¢s body is forward, with her head facing to her right, bent downward. This woman has short curly hair that is painted brown. Her skin is also painted white, yet cracked from the years. She is also wearing a chiton, yet because she is standing the viewer can see that it falls to just below her knees. Her right arm is relaxed at her side. Her left arm is holding a flat round basket that is decorated with a floral pattern in black paint. Black and white ribbons hang from this basket and are possibly for use in weaving the wreath. Above the seated woman hangs a mirror. There are other objects hanging sporadically through the lekythos; however its placement in a case made it difficult so view these. Through outside research, a pouch and a lekythos are other hanging objects painted on this vase. One of the most important aspects of this vase is the inscription that is between the two women. It reads DIPHILOS KALOS, meaning Diphilos is beautiful. It is not very clear if this inscription has any connection to the use of the vase as a funerary item. Around the top of the body is frieze with a meandering pattern that has random X designs within it. Above the body, at the beginning of the neck there is a swirly pattern with a few leaves painted throughout. The top of the neck, mouth and the handle are completely black. The base is painted a simple black color. The ââ¬Å"Achilles Painterâ⬠developed the white ground technique used in this piece. The technique consisted of covering a pot in a white slip of very fine white clay. Black paint was used for outline detailing and brown, purple, red and white were used to add more color to the scene. The technique was later considered a failure because, unlike red-figure and black-figure painting, the white clay chipped easily and the paint color faded within 50 years. The ââ¬Å"Achilles Painterâ⬠was an anonymous case painter who reinvented the image of Achilles on a red-figure amphora. Sir John Beazley named him for his perfection of the image. The ââ¬Å"Achilles Painterâ⬠generally painted two-figure compositions. Frequently seen in his work was the scene of a ââ¬Å"Mistress and Maidâ⬠, such as the one on this lekythos. From his style, it was determined that he was a student of the ââ¬Å"Berlin Painter,â⬠who was also named by Sir John Beazley. The piece is found in the University of Pennsylvaniaââ¬â¢s Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology in the Greek Gallery. Other parts of this exhibit include red-figure and black-figure amphorae and kraters. Specifically this piece was part of Kerameikos Cemetery display. This included a background of the cemetery, located in the northwest corner of Athens, outside the Sacred and Dipylon Gates. It also describes how burial rituals and traditions changed throughout the centuries. While it is not clear if this lekythos was found in the cemetery, the museum uses it to reconstruct a possibility of what it would have looked like. A lekythos is a cylindrical type of vase with one handle attached to the neck. It has a long narrow body with a round base and a round mouth shaped like a funnel. Perfect for storing olive oil they were used for anointing bodies before burial during the prothesis of the corpse. Their main usage as funerary items is backed by their finding on or near grave sites. Lekythoi often represented funerary rites, scenes of loss or senses of departure. Also found are lekythoi, such as this one, decorated with images of daily life, and common rituals. The figures on these vases are usually outline drawings, lacking in emotion. It is believed that these were left as offerings to the deceased. This particular lekythos was possibly from the within the Kerameikos Cemetery. The museum clearly states in the display that some of the pieces in the exhibit were purchased in Athens; nothing is certainly from the cemetery. After analyzing the purpose of lekythos, I was reminded of the Dipylon Geometric Amphora. The main difference in this vase is that is relatively all geometric, except for a small frieze in the center, showing a funeral ritual and a few friezes showing animals. However, it is similar to the Mistress and Maid lekythos in its function and provenance. Found in the Dipylon cemetery, it was used as a grave marker, with a hole in the base that allowed oil offerings to be poured into the ground as a way to send offerings to the deceased. As mentioned above, it is believed that this lekythos was found in the Kerameikos cemetery used as a grave marker and an offering to the deceased. The other work that I was reminded of was Ajax and Achilles Playing a Game ca. 540-530 BC. While this was a hundred years earlier, and very different from the Mistress and the Maid Lekythos in style, both feature inscriptions on the vases. Also evident in both pieces is a swirly design, on Achilles and Ajaxââ¬â¢s clothing and on the top of the neck of Mistress and the Maid. Both these pieces have one story shown on the main frieze, anything else is plain space or geometric patterns. The state of preservation of this piece is not perfect, it shows its years. Many of the painted details are missing. There may have been eyes for both the figures. It is obvious that the paint on the skin has been chipped or peeled away. And the decorations on the top seem to be smeared. Overall it is in pretty good condition, the images can still be seen and there are not any visible cracks.
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Case Study on FIlm Industry Essay Example
Case Study on FIlm Industry Essay Example Case Study on FIlm Industry Essay Case Study on FIlm Industry Essay Essay Topic: Batman Film is a large multi-billion dollar industry in the USA and worldwide overall. Compared to other industries it has a very unique characteristic. For example when it comes to the real estate, fashion, cars consumer cost will always reflect the cost of manufacturing. If Nissan spends less on manufacturing a car, it will charge less than what Rolls Royce would. This rule doesnt hold in the movie industry. When a person goes to a movie theater they have a wide variety of choices and the price for all the movies is mostly equal or has a very small range. So if its not the price, question tands what drives consumers to chose film A over the film B? With the sample data obtained from 100 motion pictures produced in 2005 it is possible to investigate which factors affect movie attendance. Analysis of variables such as Opening Gross Sales, Number of Theaters, Weeks in Top 60 and Total Gross shows the overall shape and tendencies of this business, while the correlation between them helps to determine which factors contribute to success of a movie and bring in the highest income. Descriptive Statistics show that the Film Industry is highly variable and influenced by a few highly successful blockbusters. Measure of Location Measure of Variance Variable Mean First Quartile QI Median Q2 Third Quartile Q3Range standart Deviation opening Gross sales 9. 37 0. 06375 0. 39 12. 43025 108. 43 18. 87470211 Total Gross sales 33. 04 0. 40275 5. 85 47. 43475 380. 15 63. 16469269 Number of Theaters 1,277. 94 45. 75 410 2626. 5 3905 1378. 689444 weeks -rop60 8. 68 3 7 13266. 389511608 Opening Gross Sales represent how anticipated and well received the movie is. Of the 100 movies the mean opening sale is $9. 38 million. However the median is only $ 390,000. This means that 50% of the movies received $390,000 or less. The mean was affected by the top selling movies. Top 25% that have received $12. 43 million or more in the opening week. The sales are highly variable and range from very low $10,000 to $108. 44 million. Movies that receive higher Opening Gross Sales are the ones that the public is aware of, these films are usually well advertised on TV, written in magazines etc. This means that the movies with a higher budget can do a better Job at creating a hype and starting their opening week very successful. Number of Theaters is a good measure of the popularity of the movie and a potential indicator of high sales. The more demand from the viewers, the higher the supply of theaters available. The mean number of theaters is 1277. 94 and its way larger than the median that is 410 theaters. The data is highly variable, few movies have only been shown in 3,910 theaters. 5 theaters while bigger blockbusters were screened in as many as Number of Weeks in Top 60 is another measure of popularity. The longer movie stays in the top charts the longer it will be airing in theaters and bringing the income. The mean number of weeks in the Top 60 is 8. 68 weeks. 50% of the films were on top 60 list for 7 weeks or less. The top 25% movies were on a chart for 13 weeks or more. This data is also highly variable since it ranges from 1 to 27 weeks. It is The longest time spent on the chart belongs to The Wild Parrots of Telegraph Hill. Total Gross Sales indicates the overall amount of money the movie has made. Just like the opening gross sales, the Total Gross Sales Amounts are highly variable, they range from $30,000 to $380. 18 million. 25% of the motion pictures had the Total Gross Sales of 400,275 or less, 50% sold 5. 85 million or less, and 25% had 47. 43 million or more. This is the best measure of the success of the movie, because higher he income from a movie means that all the elements that make up a film were well received by public Total Gross Sale is the best indicator of the success of the motion picture. Film is Just like any other industry and it is designed to generate income. Opening Gross Sales, Number of Theaters, Weeks in Top 60 all are good indicators of popularity of the film; however the main purpose of these there variables is to translate into a good income. Now the question stands, which one of these three variables correlates best to the high Gross Sale? Total Gross Sales and Opening Weekend Gross Sales Correlation Coefficient . 964251784 Total Gross Sales and Number of Theaters Correlation Coefficient 0. 709858186 Total Gross Sales and Number of Weeks in top 60 Correlation Coefficient 0. 525394855 All three relations have a positive correlation. The films with the higher Opening Weekend Gross Sales, Number of Theaters, or number of Weeks in the Top 60 will all have a higher Total Gross Sales. The highest Correlation Coefficient is 0. 96 which means that the Opening Weekend Gross Sales are the best predictor of the Total Gross Sales. However all three have a high number, so a successful filmmaker should target success in all three areas. Strong relationship between Open Week and Total sales is further reinforced by an example with extreme outliers. In this research the outliers are defined as follows: QI-I . (lQR) is the level, below which a movie will be considered as a Low Performance outlier Q3+ 1. 5(lQR) is the level, above which a movie will be classified as a High Performance outlier. Number of Theaters Q3+ 1. 5(lQR) = 2626. 5 + 1. 5(2626. 5 45. 75) = 6497. 625 theaters No extreme outliers present in the data set. Number of Weeks on the Top 60 List Q3 13+ No extreme outliers present in the data set. Opening Weekend Gro ss Sales Q3+ 12. 43 + 1. 5(12. 43- $ 30. 85 million Extreme outliers: star Wars: Episode Ill ;Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire War of the Worlds; Wedding Crashers; Batman Begins; Mr. nd Mrs. Smith. Total Gross Sales Q3+ 47. 43+ 1. 5(47. 43- 117. 975 million star wars: Episode Ill ;Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire War of the Worlds; Wedding Crashers; Batman Begins; Mr. and Mrs. Smith. Opening Weekend Gross Sales and Total Sales are the same six blockbusters. These movies had more than $30. 985 million in the Opening Weekend and more than $ 117. 975 million of Total Gross Sales. Film Makers should be determined to achieve a High Opening Weekend Sales, since it reatly correlates to the overall success of the movie. Advertising, PR, Marketing not only do good Job at informing but also have a very big influence on the viewers tastes, thus they are good tools to use to push up the Opening Week Sales. Unfortunately the Hollywood Films with higher budgets can afford such publicity. Smaller independent filmmakers tend to have less viewers. So even when the budget of movie doesnt affect the consumers choice directly, it does so in an indirect way. Other variables shouldnt be overlooked as the Number of Theaters and Weeks in Chart have a positive impact on the Sales as well.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
The Challenges to IPR Posed by the Internet Term Paper
The Challenges to IPR Posed by the Internet - Term Paper Example The Internet has revolutionized the availability of information and legal boundaries of digital property have been subject to increasing uncertainty in a knowledge-based economy. Information is the new mantra that spells success in the modern world. Intellectual capital is important and the use of business worldwide webs spells power. Before the advent of the Internet and technology, it was physically a tedious job to reproduce and distribute plagiarized copied of copyrighted works in a physical environment and making of such copies was also a relatively expensive process. However, as Lawrence Lessig points out, the online environment is so structured that a page can be copied without leaving a trace so that the footprints of the pirate are difficult to track.à Hannabuss has highlighted the ethical issues that arise in the realm of intellectual property because through the facility of the Internet, à infringement has become increasingly easy, and it is a simple matter to ââ¬Å" pass offâ⬠someone elseââ¬â¢s creation as oneââ¬â¢s own. IP rights that were once deemed to be adequate to exercise the right mix of control between preserving the creativity and economic incentive of the copyright owner vis a vis the use of the material by the public for fair dealing purposes, is being challenged by the jumps in technology. The evolution of the electronic medium for the purpose of transacting business has created a complex set of legal issues that are at variance with already established legal precedents. Ã
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Landscape regeneration project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Landscape regeneration project - Essay Example The broader objective of the urban regeneration project was to change people's attitudes towards the environment by increasing their awareness of environmental problems and ways to overcome them. Physical improvements and environmental protection measures were designed to complement and facilitate leisure, training, and social activities on the grounds of the Park. The Park's development was based on a well-integrated Master Plan. The Urban Pilot Project focused on the first stage, which developed an area of about 0.7 km. The Project was implemented from January 1991 to June 1995. The planned cost amounted to 7.68 MECU, 75% of which comprised co-financing from the European Regional Development. The aim of the project was to address the poor quality of the environment and the economic and social blight. This project combines a scheme which would have an immediate impact on the quality of life of the local inhabitants, but which would also be of a broader benefit in terms of increasing the environmental awareness of the general public. The objectives of the Queen's Tower Park project were: to improve the quality of the environment in West Athens : a.) to develop leisure and sports facilities; b.) to increase the public's environmental awareness; c.) to spread the benefits of economic growth to local communities; d.) to unite members of immigrant minorities into the community's; e.) to push local authorities to develop a more integrated approach to their problems; f.) to foster trade activities to support the Park; g.) to preserve historic buildings within the Park's boundaries. DISCUSSION OF THE QUOTATION AND THE EUROPEAN LANDSCAPE CONVENTION The Athens Urban Regeneration Program mirrors the key themes of the Olwig quotation, "Architects who think only in terms of the power of scenic space, ignoring the exigencies of community and place, run the risk of producing landscapes of social inequality like those of the great eighteenth-century British estates It is also possible, however, for architects to shape environments that foster the desire to maintain the continuities that maintain a collective sense of commonwealth, rooted in custom but open to change." (Olwig, 2002).This quotation is applicable to the Athens Project since the architectural developments in that area focused on fostering close interaction among communities and uplifting their socio-economic welfare through well-paved roads, telecommunication facilities and other infrastructure upgrading system.The Athens Urban Pilot Project aimed to tackle environmental and social problems in West Athens. Prior to this development, this city district has been affected b y rapid urbanization which, coupled with a lack of planned urban development, has led to a series of social and environmental problems. The district had no social amenities, inadequate social, educational, leisure and welfare facilities, and the absence of accessible green open space. Moreover, economic conditions became difficult. The decline in manufacturing employment in Western Athens led to high unemployment to the region, with a large proportion of the population on a low income. The area is filled with immigrants who transferred in the 1950s and 1960s.Graham, (2000) argued that heritage exists simultaneously as an economic commodity. The economic functions of heritage have generally been presented as secondary and barely tolerated uses of monuments, sites and places, which have
Monday, November 18, 2019
Finding a Familiar World Personal Statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Finding a Familiar World - Personal Statement Example Seeing people with chinky eyes, slim and with smooth reddish skin seemed so cool. It was of course different from where my own color. The people both the men and the women seem to be attractive with unique color and features. As a navy, being in the sea for most of the time, seeing people with friendly faces is a treat. We got to tour the place and it was amazing. I easily got caught by the different tourists' destinations and got to enjoy looking at the fashion and electronics products on the country. The city was really clean and the people seemed to be so discipline. The most prominent symbol in Singapore is the Merlion. The Merlion is "an imaginary creature with the head of a lion and the body of a fish" and "its name combines 'mer' meaning the sea and 'lion'" (, 2009). The symbol is so popular in Singapore that you see it around the country. There is a Merlion on Sentosa, on Mount Faber, and there is also the famous Merlion near the Esplanade Park and fronts Marina Bay. It is particularly visited during the night as it becomes more of an exciting view. Singapore boasts of rich art, history and culture as proven by its beautiful places such as the Singapore museum, Singapore River and Chinatown. It is also filled with the feel of nature and parks such as the Singapore Zoological garden, Crocodila Park, Haw Paw Villa, Singapore Night Safari and Singapore Botanic garden.
Friday, November 15, 2019
A Study On Adobe Flash Cs4 Computer Science Essay
A Study On Adobe Flash Cs4 Computer Science Essay Adobe Flash CS4 provides newly features which are very easy to be used. Designing using Flash had become easier and more efficient. Designer can easily applies tweening technique to a symbol and smoothly modify the motion paths. The success project can be delivered to a very wide audience. Adobe Flash CS4 can help to deliver this interactive multimedia to web browsers, mobile devices and computes. The newly 3D Translation and 3D Rotation, Bones, and Deco had bring a new animating, interesting and creative experience to the designers. The workspace of the Adobe Flash CS4 is now more elegant and can be set into different style which suitable for everyone. With Adobe Flash CS4, the complicated animation can now be created easier and quicker. In Adobe Flash CS4, creating animation had become easier compare to the previous version which needs to involve with the keystrokes, symbol creation and manual placement of key frames and adjusting the tweens on the timeline. It will be more difficult and time consuming when creating and editing the animations. With Adobe Flash CS4, designers can straightly apply the motion tweens technique directly to the object itself compare to the previous version which need to apply through the key frames. Now, creating an animation is incredibly easy which only within two steps. The motion path which is automatically generated can be easily edited using the Bezier handles. Besides that, the timing of the animation can be easily adjusted in the timeline and without breaking the tweening of the object. With this features being introduced in Flash Adobe CS4, new users and advanced developers or designers can gain more control on the object for developing an animation. (Adobe, 2008) Motion Presets Panel Adobe Flash CS4 provides a library which is full of prebuilt animations for the designers or developers to start their project. The motion presets panel is very easy to understand and use. Besides that, it will be a time saver for project which had little time. Users can easily define a motion preset through saving the object which had tween applied on it. While users can apply the presets by just simply click on the preset on the motion presets panel. Motion Editor Panel Another new feature of the Adobe Flash CS4 is the motion editor panel. In Adobe Flash CS4, key frames had a new and important role with the introduction of the object based animation. With the new motion editor panel, users can now independently control over the key frames parameters which include size, scale, positions, etc. The motion editor panel allows users to control over the key frames of the animation graphically using curves. The fine control over tweens had been brought back with the motion editor panel which will let the users to fine tune the animation parameters for their each attributes. (Adobe, 2008) Bones tool In Adobe Flash CS4, there is a new feature which is known as bones tool. With the bones tool, users can now create inverse kinematics animation easily. The bone tools are very useful for the movement of character in an animation. The bones tool is a tool which can link a series of objects together and create an effect like chains. The bones tool is like bones in human bodies which will moves in a definitive way. The bones will be able to let users to link several objects together. After that, users can easily and quickly animate the object via controlling the movement of each segment of the object which had link with the bones. The bones can be easily created by just simply click and drag between the symbols. For an example, the bones tool can be use in the part of the mechanical machine which is use to pick up things. (Adobe, 2008) Deco Tool In the designing part, deco tool is the new feature which was being added in Adobe Flash CS4. The deco tool provides a new and more creative way to design symbols for users. It is great whether on creating or other effects. The deco tool lets the user to unleash their creativity through the different types of drawing effects which are available. The vine fill effect fills the background with a pattern of branching plant formation. The grid fill effect fills the background with patterns of symbol which are selected by the users. While the symmetry brush will allows the user to create kaleidoscope-like effects. (Adobe, 2008) Sample Sound Library Another fantastic feature of the Adobe Flash CS4 is the sample sound library. Adobe Flash CS4 has a library which is full of various kinds of sound effects. Users can now easily apply sound effects to their project. In order to add sound effects to the project, users can simply drag and drop the sound to the project from the library to the frame on the timeline. Besides that, users can also download sounds from the internet and then import it to the sound library in order to apply it to the project. (Adobe, 2008) Macromedia Flash 8 Macromedia Flash 8 is the software which allows designers to design animations, videos, games and advertisements. In Macromedia Flash 8, it had several improvements over the work flow and the design tools which are the run time blend mode, filters and effects, alpha channel video and file size shrinking and playback time. The major change of Macromedia Flash 8 compare to the previous version is the Flashs video capabilities. The enhanced video capabilities provide a wider range of codec and output options which unavailable in the previous version. Macromedia Flash 8 provides more advanced controls for the users and made complex actions and effects just within one click. The action script for Macromedia Flash 8 now has script assists which will help the beginner users to learn and use action script easier. (Jacobi, 2005) New Blend Mode In Macromedia Flash 8, the new blend mode is a totally new feature compare to the previous version. The blend mode is a feature which can applies graphical effects to the movie clips or buttons which are created by the users. The new blend mode includes the normal, darken, lighten, hard, light, invert, alpha, etc effects. (Cipollo, 2011) New Filter Effects Besides the new blend mode, users can now also add glow, blur, shadow and adjustable color effects to the movie clips or buttons. This feature will be an ideal for creating the Fireworks style of effects quickly and easily. Users can easily apply these effects by just choosing it from the filter tab which is located on the Property Inspector. The size of the Flash document file will not increase because the filter effects were applied on the runtime. (Cipollo, 2011) New Drawing Mode Macromedia Flash 8 is now features with the new drawing which is called the object drawing mode. In this mode, users can now draw an object on another object and the shapes of both of the objects will still remain. So, users can now move the top object and no need to worry the shape of the object below will be destroyed. Users can easily change between the new object drawing mode and old merge mode through the toggle button which is located in the toolbar of Macromedia Flash 8. (Cipollo, 2011) Script Assists Now, Macromedia Flash 8 comes with a new feature which is known as the script assists. It will become easier to apply action script to the movie clip with the new scrip assists feature. The script assists feature will prompts suggestions of syntax for the users. Besides that, it will also explain the parameter choices of the code for the users. So, users which are not very familiar with action script can easily learn it through this feature and use the action script. (Cipollo, 2011) Custom Ease In/Ease Out The custom ease in or ease out is also one of the new feature which is available in the Macromedia Flash 8. Users can now easily control the speed, scale, color and filters of the animation with this custom ease in/ease out feature. Users will control the animation through a graph like tool that uses a Bezier curve. Users can edit the attributes of the animation via editing the curve in the dialog box. With this new feature being introduced, designer can now have a better control and runtime results of the animation. (Cipollo, 2011) Bitmap Caching Flash continuously redraws the vector object when movie plays because it is a vector based program. Bitmap caching will help users to improve the animation performance to become faster through reducing the calculations which occur during the movie. Users should cache their vector movies into bitmap before continue on their vector image. Users will know which vector objects can be cache as bitmaps in the Flash movie through the use action script or property inspector. (Reiven, 2006) Action Script Action Script is a type of coding language which was developed by Adobe. It is use with flash to create animations, videos and games. There are few versions of action script which are 1.0, 2.0 and the latest 3.0. Action Script 2.0 Action script 2.0 adds some new runtime functionality which improves the object oriented development in flash. It formalizes the object oriented programming syntax and methodology. In action script 1.0, it is lack of traditional vocabulary for creating classes and objects. While action script 2.0 has the feature of supporting syntactic for traditional object oriented. It will provide class keywords for the user when creating classes and extends for inheritance. Action Script 3.0 In action script 3.0, there is a new action script virtual machine which is known as the AVM2 that uses new instruction set of byte code and the performance also had been improve. Besides that, the 3.0 version also had become a more modern compiler code base which is now closer to the ECMAScript standards. The application programming interface (API) of action script had also been expanded and improved compare to the previous versions. In this version of action script, it is designed to work with a more complex application which has large data sets and object oriented code bases. With AVM2, the code can be executed ten times faster than the previous versions of action script code. Action script 3.0 also is compatible with the older version. For example, action script 3.0 codes can load swf files which are written in 1.0 or 2.0. In this new version, there will be no more stage coding available. It means that users cannot apply scripts directly to the movie clip using on() and onClipEven(). Now, the stage instanced will be automatically declared. With Flash CS3 or greater versions, it will help users to simplify the application entry point. It will help instantiating the class for the users. Besides that, there will be no more onEventHandlers and is now replace by EventDispatcher. Users can now access the data from the URLs immediately. The object oriented programming will improves the development of a project through breaking down into objects. Object oriented programming actually is not a must in action script 3.0, but it helps the cases with large projects which involved multiple programmers. (Adobe, nd)
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
The Job of Police Officers :: Police Law Enforcement Essays
The Job of Police Officers à à à à à A police officerââ¬â¢s duty is to maintain public order, preventing, and detecting crime. The concept of police officers, also known as cops, and law enforcement has been around ever since the ancient Romans had a theory that an organization of ââ¬Å"peacekeepersâ⬠would reduce the crime and violence being committed. This theory stuck with society and is still around today. People of law enforcement have a mission when they step into their police car, that mission is to enforce the rules of conduct or law. Of course, accomplishing this mission can be dangerous. Often when a cop leaves his or her house to go to work worries start to set it, such as ââ¬Å"will I be coming back home when my day is overâ⬠or ââ¬Å"will a simple traffic stop go sour and someone ends up dead?â⬠These thoughts are apart of the stress that comes with the job and most people are trained to deal with this stress. à à à à à Speaking of training, there are classes that a high school student can take to prepare for a career in law enforcement. Psychology, sociology, foreign languages, and computer courses are recommended for those students who plan to take criminal justice as their higher education major. Participating in sports can improve your chances on becoming an officer of law because it improves strength and endurance. Other student activities can be helpful in this career because they help to improve leadership skills and other publications. Every law enforcement agency has different requirements for qualification; however, almost all of them require a college degree. You can either have a degree in police science, administration of justice, public administration, or criminal justice to qualify for employment. English, Sociology, Psychology, Personal Computer Operations, Survey of Criminal Justice, and Principles of Criminology are classes that need to be taken to complete a cr iminal justice major. Almost every college nationwide offers these classes. (ââ¬Å"Police and Detectivesâ⬠). There are many colleges that offer either an Associateââ¬â¢s degree or a Bachelorââ¬â¢s in criminal justice or any other type of law enforcement class. However, the decision is whether to attend a two-year community college and receive an Associateââ¬â¢s degree or whether to attend a four-year community or state college to receive a Bachelorââ¬â¢s degree. Some colleges that offer an Associateââ¬â¢s degree in criminal justice are Delaware Technical and Community College, Gibbs College, and Hagerstown Business College. Some colleges that offer a Bachelorââ¬â¢s degree in criminal justice are Wilmington College, Brown College, and Parks College.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
The Bribery Scandal at Siemens Ag
1. â⬠¢ In your opinion, is ââ¬Å"bribingâ⬠unethical & illegal or just a cost of doing business? Discuss this in light of Siemensââ¬â¢ bribery scandal. We believe that bribing is unethical because it takes away the fairness of a business transaction between bidders of a contract. Bribing also has a negative impact on competition because it allows for oligopolies and monopolies to emerge in an industry due to smaller competitors being unable to financially compete with the amount of the bribes. This in turn à creates a barrier for entry for prospective companies and promotes the oligopoly or monopoly in place.The lack of competition affects consumer choice by reducing their options which then stifles innovation within the industry as there is no need to generate a competitive advantage to attain customers. The legality of bribing depends on the laws of the home country that the business is based from. For example, Siemens is a German based business and German law states that bribing officials of another country to win business contracts is illegal. So, under German law, Siemens was guilty of bribing an official when it bribed employees of the Italian company Enel to gain a contract as Enel was 68% owned by the Italian government.The counter-argument is that bribing is the cost of doing business. We disagree with this because the economic benefits gained from bribing are not outweighing the cost to a companyââ¬â¢s reputation. As we see in this case, Siemens paid a 6 million euro bribe to secure a contract valued at 450 million euros which would seem like a cost of doing business for Andreas Kley and Horst Vigener but the legal and political cost almost triple the value of the contract in euros and a loss of reputation.These executives were fortunate to escape imprisonment for the illegal actions that were committed. A company must avoid bribing government officials to win business contracts however they can ask their own government for some type of aid in the situation. We believe that having your home government involved in fostering or mediating the trade relationship with another company can potentially give better results than bribing. Siemens should have gone on a business trade mission with German officials to another country because trade missions can help form a relationship and are sources f contacts which are valuable tools to win business contracts. â⬠¢ What options do companies have to win business contracts without bribing, especially in foreign countries? Companies can use a combination of a number of alternatives to gain a business contract without violating the law. Internally, the organization can build a better product through investing money into research and development which would then provide them with a competitive advantage to entice other businesses to choose them over a competitor.Externally, the organization can (1) contribute to the host country, (2) use complementary relations, (3) establis h the status as a market leader, (4) provide attractive business trade agreements, (5) offer outstanding business intelligence, and/or (6) differentiate service with quality contractors. Contributing to a host country would include assistance in a countryââ¬â¢s development in terms of infrastructure, job generation, investments, and through imports. The use of complementary relations is a common practice in the business world.An example would be the relationship between car manufacturers and host countries. For a foreign company to enter the Chinese auto market, they need to establish a joint venture agreement with a local car manufacturer. It is a policy that the Chinese government imposed to protect the local auto business from strong foreign competitors. (source cited http://factsanddetails. com/china. php? itemid=349&catid=9&subcatid=62 ) Establishing the status of a market leader is less risky for a company with strong sales and a promising market for its products.This can b e an advantage in securing a deal with a strong company status in the industry. Providing attractive business trade agreements by making bigger concessions when negotiating a deal can be a great way to win a business contract. By offering a larger bulk order discount or other forms of compensation such as a royalty after a set number of units sold. This shifts the bribe from an illegal under the table pocketed amount of cash to an above the board legal bonus contingent on performance.Offering outstanding business intelligence skills is the ability to transfer organizational skills to better manage costs, strategies, and tactics in developing quality products and services in the foreign country. The transfer of these skills will most likely develop a long term relationship between the company and the foreign nation it operates in. In addition, companies value intelligent partners. With this in place, companies can stand out with this knowledge or expertise. 2. â⬠¢ Was the board r ight in not extending Kleinfeldââ¬â¢s term, especially in view of his over performance as a CEO?The decision to refrain from extending Kleinfeld's term was undoubtedly a difficult one for a number of reasons, however it was the right decision given the awkward circumstances surrounding his term à as CEO. The primary concern with this decision was that Kleinfeld had brought many benefits to Siemens in a short time. In just two years under his direction Siemens' stock price shot up and there was a shift in the way the company did business as the importance of Siemens' customers was stressed as equally important to their technology.Kleinfeld's drastic reform of the corporation, although disliked by some of the older fashioned managers, was visibly effective. This previous concern also sprouts another, by not extending Kleinfeld, Siemens would now have to find a replacement CEO; a task that would surely be difficult after the public backlash resulting from the scandal. However, des pite both of those concerns the decision to neglect to extend him was made. One of the reasons is that although he was impressive in his short tenure, all of the successes of the corporation under his guidance are now questionable.In other words, how much did the corrupt practices of bribery that Siemens was accused of impact the increased success of the company in that same time. This thought alone tainted the view of Kleinfeld's time as the CEO. Even if Kleinfeld was truly fully ignorant to these corrupt practices, it does not absolve him because as the CEO it is his duty to be in full control of Siemens. He failed at clearly explaining to the entire corporation their code of conduct with regards to bribery and the consequences, therefore he is personally to be held responsible for the actions of his employees. It is for these easons that Siemens needed a clean slate if they were to reform their public image. If Kleinfeld had been retained then much of these beliefs would continue and it would have been harder still for Siemens to recover from such a devastating scandal. A new leader was needed to represent an ethical overhaul of the corporations code of conduct in order to effectively rebound from the backlash of the events. â⬠¢ What is likely to be the impact of his departure on the company? Kleinfieldââ¬â¢s departure as a CEO from Siemens had an impact on the employees, the board of directors, the companyââ¬â¢s revenues, and the intellectual property.Kleinfied was very popular in the company and a charismatic leader to a number of young and proactive employees, there is a possibility that these employees to follow his departure. Also, because of the employeesââ¬â¢ admiration of Kleinfieldââ¬â¢s management style there is a possibility that these workers might regress to the old fashioned ways of doing things in the company. Another element in the company that was affected by Kleinfieldââ¬â¢s departure was the board of directors. We know that Kleinfield did a major restructuring in Siemens, but didnââ¬â¢t create a good relationship with the supervisory board.This potentially made him expendable when the corruption scandal hit, and opened the eyes of everyone on the board of directors to a new change in conduct and social responsibility. Moreover, as mentioned earlier, another way where Kleinfieldââ¬â¢s departure might affect the revenues of the company would be in the future election of a new CEO. Given the bad reputation Siemens acquired, it stands to reason that they will have to overpay a new qualified person to become the CEO because that person will have to deal with resucing the company in the wake of this scandal.Nevertheless, one of the biggest impacts of Kleinfieldââ¬â¢s departure from the company is the loss of intellectual property. By losing a very efficient CEO, who transformed the company in a short period of time, Siemens lost a great asset that can also become a threat to the company if hire d by a competitor. â⬠¢ Was Siemens really at fault or was it just unfortunate to have got caught given the perception that many companies have to resort to bribing to win contracts?We believe Siemens was unfortunate to get caught but that it is also their fault. Firstly, we think it is unfortunate because there are many other companies that bribe in the world. Being one of the few companies caught bribing made Siemensââ¬â¢ situation unfortunate, but it didnââ¬â¢t exempt it from being the companyââ¬â¢s fault. Since the company decided to bribe, they fully understood the consequences of getting caught. Compare this with a thief: just because all the other thieves are stealing, it does not mean robbing someone is without recourse.In the end, because Siemens acted illegally by choosing to ignore its corporate social responsibility and by abiding the rules of the country, it is reasonable to recognize the company made a mistake by taking a poor risk and having it backfire. W ork Cited Helen Deresky,à International Management: Managing Across Borders and Cultures, 7th ed. (New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 2011), 61-71. Facts and Details. ââ¬Å"Foreign Companies & Foreign Investment in Chinaâ⬠. Last modified April, 2012. http://factsanddetails. com/china. php? itemid=349=9=62
Friday, November 8, 2019
Comparison of The Death of Ivan Ilych and Metamorphosis.
Comparison of The Death of Ivan Ilych and Metamorphosis. Ivan Ilych's death was like Gregor's Metamorphosis; in that, they were both powerful introductions to the stories. In both stories the character's Gregor and Ivan Ilych are introduced in a state in which it wouldn't be possible to know their character. Therefore the novellas both look back to the past in order to show us who the main characters really are. "Praskovya Fedorovna Golovina, with profound sorrow, informs relatives and friends of the demise of her beloved husband Ivan Ilych Golovin..."(p.15) Even though these similarities exist I think Kafka and Tolstoy's meanings and reasons for these two first scenarios were supposed to have different effects.In the "Metamorphosis" the very fist sentence is Gregor waking up a dung beetle. This is an unbelievable sentence and premise, even for a fictional book. The effect is to make it hard for the reader to accept the plot at first. Yet as the story goes on and the emotional metamorphoses take place within Gregor and his family, the orig inal metamorphosis is just accepted.English: The house of the Astapovo station master ...Now it is the other Metamorphoses that are more unbelievable. How Gregor finally realizes what being human is, and yet he is a bug. Grete's change from caring to irritable and ultimately destroying her brother emotionally.Also the mother's change from denial to acceptance and the father's gradual change from being angry to violent hatred.Now the mention of Ivan Ilych's death in the beginning is meant more for you to feel sorry for him. Tolstoy wants the reader to feel what any person would feel after a loved one died and then show them the shocking reactions or Ivan's loved ones. "Gentlemen," he said, "Ivan Ilych has died" (p.15). Then the lack of care and respect for him from his family and friends after his death further emphasizes...
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Definition and Examples of Mondegreens
Definition and Examples of Mondegreens A mondegreen is a word or phrase that results from mishearing or misinterpreting a statement or song lyric.à Also known as anà oronym. The term mondegreen was coined in 1954 by American writer Sylvia Wright and popularized by San Francisco Chronicle columnist Jon Carroll. The term was inspired by Lady Mondegreen, a misinterpretation of the line hae laid him on the green from the Scottish ballad The Bonny Earl o Moray. According toà J. A. Wines, mondegreens often occur because the English language is rich in homophoneswords which may not be the same in origin, spelling or meaning, but which sound the same (Mondegreens: A Book of Mishearings, 2007). Examples and Observations The point about what I shall hereafter call mondegreens, since no one else has thought up a word for them, is that they are better than the original.(Sylvia Wright, The Death of Lady Mondegreen. Harpers, November 1954)Every time you go away/you take a piece of meat with you (for . . . take a piece of me with you, from the Paul Young song Every Time You Go Away)I led the pigeons to the flag (for I pledge allegiance to the flag)Theres a bathroom on the right (for Theres a bad moon on the rise in Bad Moon Rising by Creedence Clearwater Revival)Excuse me while I kiss this guy (for the Jimi Hendrix lyric Excuse me while I kiss the sky)The ants are my friends (for The answer, my friend in Blowing in the Wind by Bob Dylan)Iââ¬â¢ll never leave your pizza burning (for Iââ¬â¢ll never be your beast of burden by the Rolling Stones)The girl with colitis goes by (for the girl with kaleidoscope eyes in Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds by the Beatles)Dr. Laura, you pickled man-thief (for the Tom Waits lyric doctor, lawyer, beggar-man, thief) Take your pants down, and make it happen (for Take your passion and make it happen in Irene Caras Flashdance)the bright blessed day and the dog said goodnight (for the bright blessed day, the dark sacred night in What a Wonderful World by Louis Armstrong)The girl from Emphysema goes walking (for The girl from Ipanema goes walking in The Girl from Ipanema, as performed by Astrud Gilberto)bow and arrow transplant for bone marrow transplantIm blotto and bravado/Im a scarecrow and a Beatle (for A mulatto, an albino/A mosquito, my libido from Nirvanas Smells Like Teen Spirit)Lucky Jesus (a childs mondegreen for the chain restaurant Chuck E. Cheese)America! America! God is Chef Boyardee (for God shed His grace on thee in America, the Beautiful)Youââ¬â¢re the cheese to my pizza mine (for ââ¬Å"Youââ¬â¢re the key to my peace of mind from Carol Kings Natural Woman)In love, as in life, one misheard word can be tremendously important. If you tell someone you love them, for instance, you must be absolutely certain that they have replied I love you back and not I love your back before you continue the conversation.(Lemony Snicket, Horseradish: Bitter Truths You Cant Avoid. HarperCollins, 2007) Historical Mondegreens Examine the following mondegreens and give a historical explanation of what changes have occurred. See if you can find other historical mondegreens that have become standard or widespread in English. Earlier/Later1. an ewt (salamander) / a newt2. an ekename (additional name) / a nickname3. for then anes (for the once) / for the nonce4. an otch / a notch5. a naranj / an orange6. another meal / a whole nother meal7. a nouche (brooch) / an ouche8. a napron / an apron9. a naddre (type of snake) / an adder10. would have done / would of done11. spit and image / spitting image12. sam-blind (half-blind) / sand blind13. a let ball (in tennis) / a net ball14. Welsh rabbit / Welsh rarebit (W. Cowan and J. Rakusan, Source Book for Linguistics. John Benjamins, 1998) Misconceptions (1899) A little girl with whom I am acquainted recently asked her mother what a consecrated cross-eye bear was; the explanation of her query being that she had been learning (orally) a hymn commencing: A consecrated cross I bear.(Ward Muir, Misconceptions. The Academy, Sep. 30, 1899)No language, how simple soever, I think, can escape a childs perversion. One said for years, in repeating the Hail, Mary! Blessed art thou, a monk swimming. Another, supposing that life was labour, I presume, ended his prayers with forever endeavour, Amen.(John B. Tabb, Misconceptions. The Academy, Oct. 28, 1899) Pronunciation: MON-de-green
Monday, November 4, 2019
Event management strategy plan RE Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Event management strategy plan RE - Essay Example Organizing a trade fair is not quite complicated owing to the fact that there are effective event management practices which play a crucial role in determining the protocols. Furthermore, through the role of event management it becomes easier to organize trade fairs since such firms specialize in the task of organizing events. However, organizing an international trade fair is not an easier option since the international element adds to the involvedness of the event management process. Since international trade fairs involve a much wider audience, diverse practices, products, businesses and people, organizing an international event will be quite challenging. Great caution ought to be taken when dealing with international events to ensure that they are successful. This paper aims at providing a report outlining an event strategy plan for an International trade fair. The report will outline the relevant plans, events and activities that constitute the overall strategy plan of the international trade fair that is to be organized. In line with the relevant aspects of the plan strategy, the paper will include the following parameters that are paramount to the project; Strategic aims, objectives with actions, opportunities and Risks associated with the international dimension, evaluation methods to be utilized, pre- and post ââ¬âevent and summary along with recommendations. The paper also presents the Gantt chart and Risk Assessment Form which underscore the distribution of responsibilities, identification of risks along with their respective action plan; this represents the evaluation criteria for the international trade fair. The strategic aims of the international trade fair are quite diverse and involve the relevant parameters that constitute business and performance. The international event will serve several purposes all in one so as to take full advantage of the opportunity availed.
Friday, November 1, 2019
Marketing of the islamic finance(we want to market the islAMIC Thesis Proposal
Marketing of the islamic finance(we want to market the islAMIC FINANCE) - Thesis Proposal Example Hence the topic of this research proposal is ââ¬Å"an assessment of service quality dimensions of Islamic and conventional banks and its impact on customer satisfaction: A case study in Jordan. The SERVQUAL model which addresses five dimensions of service quality would be utilised in the research study to help in assessing the gap between perceptions and expectations of the customers who are offered services by the banks. In order to achieve the aims and objectives of the study, a questionnaire survey would be conducted and the respondents would include customers of five Islamic banks at Jordan and five other conventional banks. Various statistical tools and techniques would be used to analyse the data obtained through the questionnaire surveys to get accurate results. The total budget allocated for conducting this research study has been estimated to be $16,000 and three yearsââ¬â¢ timeline has been set to successfully complete this research study. The research plan and the time line associated with various activities that are needed to be done to conduct this study have been presented with the help of Gantt chart. Table of Contents Table of Contents 3 Introduction 4 Literature Review 7 Research Gap and Aim 10 Research Concept 11 Research Method 13 Questionnaire Survey 14 Data Sources and its Analysis 14 Budget and Timeline 15 References 17 Introduction The Islamic finance and banking sector is found to have experienced global acceptance at a rapid rate since 1975, when the first commercial Islamic bank was established (John, 2012). Charging of interest and its payment on financial transactions is prohibited in Islam. Moreover equality and social justice with the help of wealth distribution within the society are advocated by Islam. These Islamic principles are believed to have been institutional to promote Islamic financing worldwide on a large scale. The assets corresponding to the Islamic finance sector is experiencing a growth rate of around 15 to 20 pe r cent and it is expected that by the end of the year 2015 the assets would increase to around US$2 trillion (John, 2012). The Islamic financial institutions were also observed to have performed strongly during the recent global financial crisis (GFC) and it has further increased the reputation of Islamic finance sector as an alternative to the financing system followed conventionally. However, the Islamic finance sector faces various challenges in its way to global expansion as well. Some of these challenges include the dearth of knowledge about the Islamic financing system amongst the consumers and the regulatory environment that is prevalent in some of the countries of the world which imposes restrictions on Islamic financial institutions to offer certain types financing products. This research proposal will try to present a comparative study about the service quality dimensions related to conventional and Islamic financial institutions and banks with special reference to Jordan. A comparative study of the Islamic and conventional banks in Jordan suggested that the Islamic banks were more stable in their performance than the conventional banks during the recent global financial crisis (GFC) (Al-ali, and Yousfi, 2012). The Islamic banks at Jordan are found to be more profitable than the convent
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
The recent tendency to reorganize the notion of accused right parallel Dissertation
The recent tendency to reorganize the notion of accused right parallel to the right of the victim, evaluation from the initiativ - Dissertation Example The logic behind the right to a fair trial was implicit in the creation of complicity under the doctrine of command responsibility. Justice Robert Jackson in his opening statement at the Nuremberg Trials essentially reasoned that the International Military Tribunal would confer upon the accused persons, the due process that they refused to confer upon their victims.6 The right to a fair trial is not absolute however, as there are circumstances where that right may be ââ¬Å"derogated from in certain circumstancesâ⬠.7 This paper focuses on the recent trends in international criminal law in which there is an initiative for balancing the rights of the accused against victimsââ¬â¢ rights under the doctrine of command responsibility. ... ce of the charges against him/her.8 The initiative to elevate the rights of victims over the right of the accused was a method by which the International Criminal Court addressed concerns on the part of civilians in zones under conflict and non-governmental organizations. These concerns took the position that the ad hoc international criminal tribunals for Yugoslavia and Rwanda had neglected the input of victims by not permitting their participation in the trials and the appellate process. The International Criminal Tribunal addressed those concerns by making the concerns of victims a priority and by focusing more intently on restorative justice.9 The International Criminal Court is primarily founded on the objective that the administration of justice means justice not only for those who commit international crimes, but also for the victims.10 The Preamble to the ICC informs that: During this century millions of children, women and men have been victims of unimaginable atrocities tha t deeply shock the conscience of humanity.11 Trumbull notes that the reference to victims in the ICCââ¬â¢s preamble is not an accident. In fact, Trumbull goes farther to state, that this reference to victims was intentional and aimed at ensuring that the rights of victims occupy a ââ¬Å"high priorityâ⬠.12 Under the authority of the ICC, the International Criminal Court has made good on the prioritizing of victimsââ¬â¢ rights primarily by permitting victims the right to participate in the criminal proceedings. In this regard, victims have the right to express their opinions relative to the authorization of an investigation, whether or not a case is admissible and any other matter that impacts their own interests.13 The ICC and the International Court, Rules of Procedure and Evidence 2000 contain a
Monday, October 28, 2019
Animal Testing Is Cruel and Unnecessary Essay Example for Free
Animal Testing Is Cruel and Unnecessary Essay Is the Statement Animal Testing is Cruel and Unnecessary Correct? It is common knowledge that many animals are used in medical and scientific research. These innocent animals are often obliged to undergo countless of cruel processes and endure great suffering as a result. Despite all the disputes and discussions regarding whether or not animal testing is actually necessary, they wouldnt change the fact that it is, in fact, an extremely cruel thing to do. Therefore, it is only to be expected for the need for product testing involving experiments on animals to be strongly debated. The debates themselves usually revolve around scientific, ethical and even political implications, often based upon biased beliefs. For example, an animal lover would clearly be against animal testing. They would, in fact, not care whether it is necessary or not. A doctor desperate for a new research, on the other hand, would clearly think animal testing is necessary, and ignore the fact that thousands of animals are endangered because of it. I personally think animal testing is cruel. It is an inhumane thing to do, as animals too deserve to be treated normally, and not as objects that are just used to test whether a mascara is safe enough for a persons eyelashes or not. Furthermore, it has been proven that about 9% animals such as rats, rabbits and mice end up dying after going through these experiments. Do you honestly think the decreasing number of these animals is worth a new type of blush-on or eyeliner? Regarding the statement Animal Testing is Cruel and Unnecessary, I would have to agree with the first point: Animal testing is, indeed cruel. Nevertheless, as I am not exactly experienced in the medical field, I managed to do some research, and eventually found a rather interesting quote said by two doctors, Ray and Jean Greek, who briefly mentioned the necessity of animal testing in their book Sacred Cows and Golden Geese. They said: Animal experimentation is not necessary. It is expensive. It is inaccurate. It is misleading. It consumes limited resources. And further, it is detrimental to the very species it professes to be working to help humankind. Coming from doctors, I found their explicit quote to be rather surprising. Moreover, even though animal testing is not always accurate, there isnt a definite answer as to whether the term Animal Testing is Cruel and Unnecessary is true or not. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, to each their own, thus I couldnt help but fathom their statement. With all these advanced technology, knowledge and finances, have we indirectly dehumanized ourselves?
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Equal Opportunities Or Managing Diversity In Organisations Are These J
Introduction Equal opportunities are very important in the modern workplace. Providing equal opportunities involves providing the same opportunities to all the employees and prospective employees regardless of their sex, age, disabilities, ethnic origins, sexual orientations etc. Equal opportunities allow the employee to have rights therefore the employer is unable to take advantage, discriminate or manipulate staff. Employers have an element of power over their employees but by having the law on the side of the employees, employers therefore need to think twice before discriminating in any form. Organisations will need to ensure that there is no unlawful or unfair discrimination. Employees are not stupid ââ¬â a company that behaves badly to one employee will do the same to another, and then one day it could be them. In the workplace there should be no form of discrimination. Alleged cases of discrimination can be taken to an industrial tribunal or a body such as the Race Relations Board. ââ¬Å"The prejudiced person is capable of rationalising the situation in a such a way as to conclude that the person he or she met unique in some respects and is unlike stereotype.â⬠à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à (McKenna 1994) Employee View When you start work you have several expectations. For one thing, you expect to get paid, unless you are a voluntary worker. You also expect to be paid a fair wage in relation to other people in similar jobs and to receive money at specified times. You expect to be treated fairly and reasonably by both your boss and by others who work within the same organisation. You expect to work in a clean and safe environment and not be asked to undertake dirty or dangerous jobs for which you have received no training or protective clothing. You expect to have holidays and to work a reasonable number of hours each week. As an Employee you have a right to: à §Ã à à à à To be given a written statement of the terms and conditions of your employment à §Ã à à à à Be allowed to choose whether or not you join a trade union à §Ã à à à à Not to be discrimi... ...sconception. People are not equal not can they have equal opportunities. Native talents vary from person to person and it is an illusion to think otherwise. Moreover the human resource manager spends a great deal of time discriminating between one employee and another. Differences between employees abound the terms of skills, attitudes, human relations, education and so on. People are not equal and therefore their opportunities for advancement or achievement of personal aims will differ markedly. The key issues for human resourcing is that the respect for people requires that they are free to stay and use their skills and abilities in the way they want. Organisations cannot provide equal opportunities but they can provide open access to selection processes and ensure that discrimination between candidates is not based on unfair or unlawful factors. Equal opportunities is important in companies. First an organisation will want to ensure that it meets any statutory provision. Secondly, it may wish to project an image as a good employer to demonstrate that it puts faith in its people both to attract and to retain employees and also as part of a customer-oriented strategy.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Animals In Our Society Essay -- Marketing Animals
ââ¬Å"Much as we might want to understand animals at a level deeper than pop culture, we can only understand them in terms of our own experiences, language and emotions, and interpreted within our social, historical and cultural contexts. The only way we have of understanding animals is to recognize that ââ¬Ëwhen we gaze at animals we hold up a mirror to ourselvesââ¬â¢ (Corbett, 176). Animal messages are brought to us by the pop culture industry, whose job it is to create, disseminate, and sell meaning. In most cases, they arenââ¬â¢t selling you a moose, but what a moose means to you for example ââ¬â the characteristics and qualities that you and most people associate with the species. Based on common meanings presented to us from an early age, animals are the perfect shorthand communication symbol. We use animals as devices, metaphors and symbols for a great deal of our expressions and ideasâ⬠(Corbett, 179). For years, animals have been at the center of our world; ââ¬Å"the lives of animals and humans have been inextricably intertwinedâ⬠(Corbett, 178). Thus, based on the close relationship between animals and humans throughout history, in my opinion animals have been used in all cultures to reflect the nature of humanity, symbolizing societal and individual characteristics. The traits of animals are very simple to observe and recognize, whereas human behavior is more intricate and difficult to describe. Animals are familiar creatures to us, which mutely encourage projection of peopleââ¬â¢s emotions and attitudes onto them. Animals can be used and as we have learned most recently, they are used to convey deep dimensions of human feelings and ideas. When I think of animals, their representation and their symbolism in our society, I immediately think of ani... this piece, would be to dive into researching the answer to this: the fact that there I think there is something very clever to be said about a corporation that uses an animal to talk to its prospects, but are we really sure what that is? Are we sure what to say about a society that listens, and responds to spokescreatures? Perhaps we find them more credible than spokespersons. Do we? Works Cited Corbett, Julia B. Communicating Nature: How We Create and Understand Environmental Messages. Washington, DC: Island, 2006. Print. 2. "Seven Top Animal Symbols Used By Company Name Generators." EzineArticles Submission - Submit Your Best Quality Original Articles For Massive Exposure, Ezine Publishers Get 25 Free Article Reprints. Web. 05 Dec. 2010. .
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Analysis of the Allegory of the Cave Essay
Platoââ¬â¢s ââ¬Å"Allegory of the Caveâ⬠presents a visualization of people who are slaves that have been chained in front of a fire their whole lives. These people observe the shadows of different things shown on the cave wall that is in front of them. The shadows are the only ââ¬Å"realityâ⬠the slaves know. This is because they have never seen anything else to compare them to. Plato argues that there is a critical flaw in how people mistake their limited perceptions as reality, as truth, and as what they believe to be what is good. The allegory reveals how the flaw affects our education, our spirituality, and our politics. The flaw that Plato speaks about is how people trust what they see and think it is real. In The Allegory of the Cave, the slaves in the caves know that the shadows, shown on the wall by the fire behind them, are real. If they were to talk to the shadows echoes would make the shadows appear to talk back. To the slaves, as Plato puts it, ââ¬Å"the truth would be literally nothing but the shadows of the imagesâ⬠¦. â⬠The allegory also talks about how a slave is later brought out of the cave, in what Plato refers to as ââ¬Å"the ascent of the soul into the intellectual world. â⬠Once out of the cave, the slaves discover that what they thought was real is not. They learn to understand all of these new images as what is real and what is true. Since the slaves have been in the dark for all their lives, both literally and metaphorically, the light blinds them. Representing knowledge, the light is too brilliant for them to see and comprehend. The slaves must be re-educated. They have to learn that the reflections are truer than shadows and the objects truer than reflections. They must deal with a new reality that does not exist within the cave. Plato says that these people who are brought out of the cave must go back into the cave to educate the other slaves. But the only people who should be allowed back into the cave are the ones who are willing to go back. The people must teach the other slaves about the reality outside of the cave, and what is outside of the slavesââ¬â¢ reality. These are representing the philosophers in the allegory. The capacity to learn exists in the soul. Humans need to use their whole soul to learn, not just use their eyes. The allegory states that, ââ¬Å"â⬠¦the power and capacity of learning exists in the soul already; and that just as the eye was unable to turn from the darkness to light without the whole body, so too the instrument of knowledge can only y the movement of the whole soul be turned from the world of becoming into that of beingâ⬠¦. â⬠According to Plato, human beingsââ¬â¢ misperception about ââ¬Å"realityâ⬠also affects the spiritual growth of that person. When the slave makes the ascent out of the cave that they have been in their entire life and sees the sun, they will be reminded of God. Plato wrote about how the slaves may even mistake the sun for God because the slaves would have no real perception of what the sun or what God looks like. Having moved from darkness into light, the slaves come to the conclusion that this bright light must be God. Plato argues that oneââ¬â¢s soul holds knowledge of what is true. When one learns, one simply remembers. People originate from Heaven where they knew the truth. In the Bible it even talks about how on the outside people are wasting away every day but on the inside they are being renewed every day. One is renewed day by day by remembering things that their soul knows, but that they have forgotten. Also, Plato discredits a government run by the people in the cave who are uneducated and yet still fight for power. He also argues that the people who have made the ascent from the cave must govern, for they know what is real and what is not real because they understand that the shadows are only dreams, or something that is unreal. Plato says it is difficult to go back down into the darkness after somebody has seen the light, but they must. They must educate the slaves about the world above, so the slaves understand that power is not the greater good. Even though it will be about ten times harder to readjust to the darkness after descending into the cave again they will see about ten times better, because now they know the shadows are not real. They will govern with knowledge of good and truth. I believe that the Allegory of the Cave simply states that we must question reality and we must not trust just what our eyes tell us. We must know more than just what the eyes see. The slave in the allegory that makes the ascent and eventually rejects the truth of the shadows comes to know a truer truth. But then they believe what their eyes show them that is on this world. They have forgotten that they must question reality, because how are they to know that this reality is realer than that of the cavesââ¬â¢? Somebody may wonder what if we are the shadows in the cave. And who knows. It corresponds to having an imaginary friend when a person is younger. The imaginary friend is very real to whoever the befriended person is, but as the person gets older or makes the ascent to the world of knowledge, they will mostly likely reject their childhood imaginary friends. Everybody is faced with a different reality where they start to believe that what their eyes show them is the only truth. They forget to question things and donââ¬â¢t realize that maybe there is yet another ascent, out of this bigger ââ¬Å"caveâ⬠of the light. It may be something that nobody will know about until they reach the point of ascent. Human beingsââ¬â¢ knowledge of goodness, reality, and truth will forever be limited by their fear of new ideas and new perspectives. As long as people are afraid of questioning what they cannot see, they will be stuck, chained up as slaves who are trapped in the darkness of the unknown in their very own cave.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Tenants vs. Tenets
Tenants vs. Tenets Tenants vs. Tenets Tenants vs. Tenets By Maeve Maddox Both words, tenant and tenet, derive from the Latin verb tenere, ââ¬Å"to hold,â⬠but they are not interchangeable. A tenant is someone who rents or leases a house, apartment, etc. from a landlord. A tenet is a principle, dogma, belief, or doctrine generally held to be true. The following examples of misuse were gathered from sites that offer some kind of professional service: INCORRECT: Generally speaking, people dont know how to teachà leadership, but we canà teachà someà basic tenants.à CORRECT : Generally speaking, people dont know how to teachà leadership, but we canà teachà someà basic tenets.à INCORRECT: Simply put, theà basic tenantsà of reading and writing are ignored.à CORRECT : Simply put, theà basic tenets of reading and writing are ignored.à INCORRECT: This course is designed to give the students an overview of the basic tenants of Christian Doctrine. CORRECT : This course is designed to give the students an overview of the basic tenets of Christian Doctrine. INCORRECT: Odierno told our staff about the threeà basic tenantsà he uses to lead the U.S. Army: competence, commitmentà and character. CORRECT : Odierno told our staff about the threeà basic tenets he uses to lead the U.S. Army: competence, commitmentà and character. I did not find the opposite error in professional texts, but it is quite common in comments on sites related to renting. For example: INCORRECT: most importantly, stay informed about your rights as aà tenet. CORRECT : most importantly, stay informed about your rights as aà tenant. INCORRECT: [The rule is] never enforced, but it does give the owner of the property a pretty quick and easy way to remove troublesome tenets. CORRECT : [The rule is] never enforced, but it does give the owner of the property a pretty quick and easy way to remove troublesome tenants. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Misused Words category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:When to Capitalize Animal and Plant NamesIs There a Reason ââ¬Å"the Reason Whyâ⬠Is Considered Wrong?How Verbs Become Adjectives
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