Sunday, December 29, 2019

Organizational Culture And The Passive Resistance - 986 Words

Price WaterhouseCoopers was challenged with the need to be more flexible in an effort to become better organized to deliver new values that could distinguish them from its competitors. Much of the challenge involved the organizational culture and the passive resistance from some of the executives. A strategy needed to be implemented in an effort to make a difference in PwC and to ensure sustainability and increase corporate social responsibility. They recognized the importance of having the community share the same values and vision of the organization. In line with Satterlee (2013), vision is best accepted and promoted by leaders who can help followers understand why they need to do what they need to do, using an effective leadership style. Leaders have to be able to motivate, inspire, and exhibit genuine concern for their employees and the community in order to build trust in an effort to reach the envisioned goals and to exercise the values. Furthermore, vision casting is not only what leaders see for the future; but how invested followers are in that vision. This type of vision pushes organizations toward goals, and often involves innovation and change (Satterlee, 2013, p. 103). According to Jick and Peiperl (2011), James Shaw, Amy Middleburg, and Fabio Sgaragli were known are the â€Å"Fire Starters† which shared the same vision of reaching the sustainability goal of the organization. Each of them had distinct strengths which were critical assets that lead to theShow MoreRelatedRoles of Managers and Individuals1274 Words   |  6 Pagesperforming their duties. Change can come in the form of a systems, procedures, policies, or structures. The important focus in organizational change is in the behaviors and results-based production of its employees. Value is delivered to the organization when individual employees take ownership and initiative to engage themselves in the change process. 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Considering the communications needed to implement change follows and sources of resistance to change. Next examined are strategies to manage resistance and resistance to change in the Synergetic Solutions context. Finally, presented are strategies to manage resistance. Change Forces The textbook, Exhibit 18-1 (Robbins Judge, 2011, p. 591), lists some forces for changeRead MoreAnalysis Of Al Tech Manufacturing Company1331 Words   |  6 Pagesreengineer the nature of the organization according to Ian Palmer, Richard Dunford, and Gib Akin second edition managing organizational change text book chapter four (Ian Palmer, 2009). Al-Tech merged with a rivaling company, Border Manufacturing, in order to maximize profit and reduce overhead expenses (Ian Palmer, 2009). Apple expirenced this form of second-order organizational change when the board of directors over Apple fired the CEO Steve Jobs (, 2005). 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No Clear directive There is no one from the top management who is well versed with this TQM, and the top management wants this to be implemented, there is no visibility of sponsorship to this initiative, in actual fact there isRead MoreRoles Of Manager And Individuals993 Words   |  4 Pagesvalue. Management at the executive level to the supervisors on the front line will all play a role in the process of change. The following will examine the roles of managers, change agents that are used, as well as the management’s role in combating resistance, and championing change. Roles of Managers â€Å"The ultimate goal of change management is to engage employees and encourage their adoption of a new way of doing their jobs.† (Change Management Learning Center, 2014). There are several key managementRead MoreRole of Communication in Change Management1704 Words   |  7 Pagessignificant changes are implemented in an orderly, controlled and systematic fashion to effect organizational change. Objective of change management is to maximize the collective benefits for all people involved in the change and minimize the risk of failure of implementing the change One of the goals of change management is with regards to the human aspects of overcoming resistance to change in order for organizational members to buy into change and achieve the organization s goal of an orderly and effectiveRead MoreEssay on Impact of Mergers and Acquisition on Employees Behaviour1939 Words   |  8 Pagesmanagement of people-related issues leads to value creation. To make HRM (Human resource Ma nagement) as an effective strategic partner there is a need to involve them in negotiation period and formulation of people management polices to overcome their resistance towards of MA (Tanure, 2007).The changes in the general procedures and practices followed by the acquired companies and also due to the growing competition between the employees of the merged parties, Human resources management is problematic withinRead MoreWho Owns the Power to Control Communication1760 Words   |  8 Pagesheld by the producers of messages whereas other theorists argue that the power to control interpretations of texts are held by the consumers of culture operating within specific cultural contexts. Which of these positions is true? Why? It can be agreed to a large extent that the power to control interpretations of texts are held by the consumers of culture operating within specific cultural contexts. However, this is not to refute completely that producers of messages hold some power to control communication

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Common Psychological Disorders And How They Affect A...

The Mental Illness Erva Arslan American Youth Academy Mr. Gonzalez / English 10/12/15 Abstract In this essay I will be discussing five of the most common psychological disorders and how they affect a persons daily life, behavior, weight, personality and etc. The five disorders I will be mentioning are: Alzheimer, OCD/panic/anxiety, Anorexia, Autism, and depression. According to studies there can be 3 million or more people are diagnosed with one of these disorders each year. These disorders lead to cases like memory loss, extreme dieting, self-harm, unwanted thoughts, bad communication and much more. All of these affect a human’s life immensely. Some can lead to obesity or extreme weight loss. Some of these disorders like†¦show more content†¦The disorders I will be addressing are: Anxiety, Alzheimer, Anorexia, Autism, and depression. Each of these disorders can take over ones life poorly. They can cause a social decline and will affect the people surrounding you. The first disorder I will be discussing is anxiety. Anxiety is very common amongst all people including myself. It’s a state of feeling nervous, worried, fear and agitation. You may get it a night before your talent show or before an exam. Anxiety can interfere with a humans way of living a normal life. 25 percent of people are likely to arouse anxiety disorder that may need urgent treatment, while at other times anxiety may not be too serious. There are different levels and types of anxiety disorders such as: panic attacks, specific phobia and etc. Panic attacks are when people have random strikes of terror without being warned. Some symptoms may be chest pain or sweating; This may lead to going crazy. Social Phobia is also a type of anxiety. Its when you feel shy and self conscious near others. How does this affect you socially? Well, you feel like everyone will judge you and so you behave in a way that may look embarrassing and ridiculous. Memory loss is known as Alzheimer, which is the most common reason of dementia. Over three million people are diagnosed with this disorder. Alzheimer is when cells die and degenerate, which causes the destroying of mental functions. The amount

Friday, December 13, 2019

Representation of Gays in Hollywood Free Essays

During the production code, there were very few representations of gay and lesbians on screen. The only few representations were filled with stereotypes and lacked variety. People will call each other when they see another gay person on TV. We will write a custom essay sample on Representation of Gays in Hollywood or any similar topic only for you Order Now The story lines in movies featuring gays and lesbians were controlled and restricted. The whole story was not often told in gay movies. Even after the code was lifted, Hollywood still struggled with their portrayal of gays, the â€Å"proud sissies† and the â€Å"regular gays† who were not as flamboyant. In today’s movies, those issues are still prevalent. Gay scenes are laced with comedy and as a form of punishment. There are not enough genuine, authentic gay love stories anymore. The notion of visibility at any cause still exists today, maybe not as difficult as it was in the 30’s. I am starting to believe that films do not creates stereotypes but rather the people behind these films. Directors, producers and even actors creates and perpetuate the stereotypes and feeds them to the audience. Simply changing the films alone will not be enough to solve gay stereotypes in Hollywood. The change should start with the people making the films. Perhaps we need more gay directors or less stereotyping straight directors or better yet directors with open minds. Fleming disagrees with Russo’s views on gay visibility in Hollywood. She is not as optimistic as Russo. Fleming’s point about the lack of lesbian perspective in Hollywood films was very interesting. But what stood out the most was the point she made about the dilemma of gays in Hollywood. If they become more visible, they open themselves up for ridicule but if they remain invisible then they are allow Hollywood to keep portraying them stereotypically. Overall, Fleming believes that there should be more range and diversity in gay story lines and I How to cite Representation of Gays in Hollywood, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Our affections are transported beyond our selves Essay Example For Students

Our affections are transported beyond our selves Essay HOSE which still accuse men for ever gaping after future things, and go about to teach us, to take hold of present fortunes, and settle our selves upon them, as having no hold of that which is to come; yea much lesse than we have of that which is already past, touch and are ever harping upon the commonest huma ne error, if they dare call that an error, to which Nature her selfe, for the service of the continuation of her worke, doth address us, imprinting as it doth many others this false imagination in us, as more jealous of our actions, than of our knowledg e. We are never in our selves, but beyond. Feare, desire, and hope, draw us ever towards that which is to come, and remove our sense and consideration from that which is, to amuse us on that which shall be, yea when we shall be no more. Calamitosus est animus futuri anxius. 1 A minde in suspense what is to come, is in a pittifull case. This noble precept is often alleaged in Plato, Follow thy businesse and know thy selfe; Each of these two members, doth generally imply all our duty; and likewise enfolds his companion. He that should doe his businesse might perceive that his first lesson is, to know what he is, and what is convenient for him. And he that knoweth himselfe, takes no more anothers matters for his owne, but above all other things, loveth and correcteth himselfe, rejecteth superfluous occupations, idle imaginations, and unprofitable propositions. As if you grant follie what it desireth, it will no-whit be satisfied; so is wisdome content with that which is present, and never displeased with it selfe. Epicurus doth dispense with his age touching the foresight and care of what shall insue. Amongst the lawes that regard the deceased, that which ties the actions of Princes to be examined when they are dea d, seemes to me verie solid. They are companions, if not masters of the lawes: That which justice could not worke on their heads, it is reason it effect upon their reputation, and goods of their successors: things wee many times preferre before our liv es. It is a custome brings many singular commodities unto nations that observe it, and to be desired of all good Princes: who have cause to complaine that the memorie of the wicked is used as theirs. Wee owe a like obedience and subjection to all Kings; for it respects their office: but estimation and affection, we owe it only to their vertue. If they be unworthy, wee are to endure them patiently, to conceale their vices, and to aid their indifferent actions with our commendations, as long as their a uthoritie hath need of our assistance, and that ought to be ascribed unto politike order. But our commerce with them being ended, there is no reason we should refuse the unfolding of our felt wrongs unto justice and our libertie. And specially to refuse good subjects, the glory to have reverently and faithfully served a master, whose imperfections were so well knowne unto them: exempting posteritie from so profitable an example. And such as for the respect of some private benefit or interest, doe wick edly embrace the memorie of an unworthy Prince, doe particular justice at the cbarge of publike justice. Titus Livius speaketh truly, where he saith, that the speech of men brought up under a royaltie is ever full of vaine ostentations, and false witness ; everyman indiferently extolling the King, to the furthest straine of valour and soveraigne greatnesse. The magnanimitie of those two Souldiers may be reproved, one of which being demanded of Nero, why he hated him, answered him to his teeth; I loved thee whilest thou wast worthy of love, but since thou becamest a parricide, a fire-brand, a Juglar, a Player, and a Coach-man, I hate thee, as thou deservest. The other being asked, wherefore he sought to kill him, answered, Because I finde no other course to hinder thy uncessant outrages and impious deeds. But can any man, that hath his senses about him, justly prove the publike and generall testimonies that since his death have beene given, and so shall be for ever, both against him and all such like reprobates, of his tyrannicall and wicked demeanours? I am sorrie that in so sacred a policie as the Lacedemonian was, so fained and fond a ceremonie at the death of their Kings was ever devised and brought in use. All their confederates and n eighbours, all the slave-Helotes, men and women pell-mell, for a testimonie of their grief and sorrow, did mangle and gash their foreheads, and in their out-cries and lamentations exclaimed, that their deceased King, howsoever he had lived, was and had be ene the best Prince that ever they had, ascribing in order the commendations due unto desert, and to the last and latter ranke, what belongs unto the first merit. Aristotle that hath an oare in every water, and medleth with all things, makes a question a bout Solons speech, who saith, that no man can truly be counted happy before his death, Whether he that lived and died according to his wish, may be named happy, whether his renowne be good or ill, and whether his posteritie be miserable or no. Whilest w ee stirre and remove, wee transport ourselves by preoccupation wheresoever we list: but no sooner are wee out of being, but wee have no conununication at all with that which is. And it were better to tell Solon, that never man is happy then, since he n ever is so, but when he is no more. - Quisquam Vix radicitus e vita se tollit, et ejicit: Se facit esse qui quiddam super inscius ipse, Nee removet satis a projecto corpora sese, et Vindicat. Lucr. Rer. Nat. iii. 912. Scarce any rids himselfe of life so cleere But leaves unwitting some part of him heere: Nor frees or quits himselfe sufficiently From that his body which forlorne doth lie. Bertran d of Glesquin died at the siege of the castle of Rancon, neere unto Puy in Avergne: the besieged yeelding afterwards, were forced to carry the keies of the Castle, upon the decease of the Captaine. Presidents Under Fire EssayThis other curiositie meere opposite unto it which to prove I need not labour for home examples seemeth in my opinion cosen-german to this, that is, when one is ever ready to breathe his last, carefully and passionately to endevour how to reduce the convoy of his obsequies unto some particular and unwonted parcimonie, to one serva nt and to one lanterne. I heare the humour and appointment of Marcus ÃÆ'† milius Lepidus commended, who expressly forbade his heires to use those ceremonies about his interment, which in such cases were formerly accustomed. Is it temperance and frugalitie, to avoid charge and voluptuousnesse, the use and knowledge of which is imperceptable unto us? Loe here an easie reformation, and of small cost. Were it requisite to appoint any, I would be of opinion, that as well in that, as in all other actions of mans life, every man should referre the rule of it to the qualitie of his fortune. And the Philosopher Lycon did wisely appoint his friends to place his body where they should thinke it fittest and for the best: and for his obsequies, they should neither be superfluous, and over-costly, nor base and sparing. For my part, I would wholly relie on custome, which should dispose this ceremonie, and would yeeld my selfe to the discretion of the first or next into whose hands I might chance to fall. To tus hic locus est contemnendus in nobis, non negligendus in nostris: All this matter should be despised of us, but not neglected of ours. And religiously said a holy man; Curatio funeris, cond itio sepulturae, pompa exequiarum, magis sunt tivorum solatia, quam subsidia mortuorum: In the procuration of funerals, the maner of buriall, the pomp of obsequies, are rather comforts to the living , than helps to the dead. Therefore Socrates answered Criton, who at the houre of his death asked him how he would be buried: Even as you please, said he. Were I to meddle further with this subject, I would deeme it more gallant to imitate those who yet living and breathing, undertake to enjo y the order and honour of their sepulchres, and that please themselves to behold their dead countenance in marble. Happy they that can rejoyce and gratifle their sense with insensibilitie, and live by their death! A little thing would make me conceive a n inexpiable hatred against all popular domination; although it seeme most naturall and just unto me; when I call to minde that inhumane injustice of the Athenians, who without further triall or remission, yea without suffering them so much as to reply o r answer for themselves, condemned those noble and worthy Captaines, that returned victoriously from the sea-battell, which they neere the Iles ArginusÃÆ' ¦ had gained of the Macedenonians; the most contested, bloodie and greatest fight the Grecians e ver obtained by sea with their owne forces: forsomuch as after the victory, they had rather followed those occasions, which the law of warre presented unto them, for their availe, than to their prejudice staid to gather and bury their dead men. And the successe of Diomedon makes their ruthlesse execution more hatefull, who being a man of notable and exemplar vertue, both military and politike, and of them so cruelly condemned; after he had heard the bloody sentence, advancing himselfe forward to speake , having fit opportunitie and plausible audience; he, I say, in stead of excusing himselfe, or endevouring to justifie his cause, or to exasperate the evident iniquity of so cruell a doome, expressed but a care of the Judges preservation, earnestly beseeching the Gods to turne that judgement to their good, praying that for want of not satisfying the vowes which hee and his companions had vowed in acknowledgement and thanksgiving for so famous a victory, and honourable fortune, they might no t draw the wrath and revenge of the Gods upon them, declaring what their vowes were. And without more words, or any further reasons, couragiously addressed himselfe to his execution. But fortune some yeares after punished him alike, and ma de him taste o f the verie same sauce. For Chabrias, Captaine Generall of their sea-fleet, having afterward obtained a famous victory of Pollis, Admirall of Sparta, in the Ile of Naxos, lost absolutely the benefit of it, and onely contented with the day a matter of g reat consequence for their affaires fearing to incurre the mischiefe of this example, and to save a few dead carcasses of his friends, that floated up and downe the sea, gave leasure to an infinite number of his living enemies, whom he might easily haves urprized to sail away in safety, who afterward made them to purchase their importunate superstition, at a deere-deere rate. Quaeris, quo jaceas, post obitum, loco Quo non nata jacent. Sen. Tro as. chor. ii. 30. Where shall y ou lie when you are dead? Where they lye that were never bred. This other restores the sense of rest unto a body without a soule, Neque sepulchrum, quo recipiat, habeat portum corporis. Vbi remi ssa humana vita, corpus requiescat a malis? Cic. Tusc. Qu. i. Enni. To turne in as a havn, have he no grave, Where life left, from all griefe he rest may have. Even as Nature makes us to see, that many dead things have yet c ertaine secret relations unto life. Wine doth alter and change in sellers, according to the changes and alterations of the seasons of its vineyard. And the flesh of wilde beasts and venison doth change qualitie and taste in the powdering-tubs, according to the nature of living flesh, as some say that have observed it.